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Le Soir" And "Les Braconniers", Plates 1 And 3 From "Paysages" lithographs on off-white China paper applied to original warm white wove of backing sheet , 1829, ,
- State: final states as published in "Paysages",
- Condition:With apparently full margins. Lightly foxed, in generally good condition overall. D-44 with 1 in tear upper right margin, some annotations in margins (see photos).
- Sheet: 14 by 10 1/2 in. (35 x 26 cm.)
- Plate: 4 by 5 in.(10 x 12.5 cm.) and 6 by 5 in. (15 x 12.3 cm.)
- References: Illustrated and documented in Delteil 44, iii/III.; Delteil 42.
- Framing: Sold unframed
| Estimates* |
US $ |
Euro |
UK pound |
Swiss Fr |
100-100000 |
85-85000 |
73-73000 |
92-92000 |
| *
Estimates do not include 28% buyer's premium (see Terms and Conditions). NR means no reserve (minimum bid $50 unless otherwise posted). Estimates in other currencies based on conversion rates of Euro: 0.85 , British Pound 0.73, Swiss Fr 0.92. All conversion values are approximate with
the final cost determined in dollars.
workcode: ph-1886a-445