Papart, Max Lot: 247(details) "Max Papart", from the book of est:40-100
Papart, Max Lot: 248(details) "Romeo and Juliet" est:600-1000
Papart, Max Lot: 249(details) (Untitled) est:400-800
Papart, Max Lot: 250(details) (Untitled) est:400-800
Perlstein, Phillip Lot: 251(details) (composition) from "Six Litho est:500-800
Peter_paul_rubens(Circle, Of) Lot: 252(details) "The Holy Family Under an Appl est:3000-6000
Pfaff, Judy ***Not Illustrated*** Lot: 253(details) 'Shang' est:-
Picasso, Pablo Lot: 254(details) "Le cocu assistant la compa est:16000-100000
Picasso, Pablo Lot: 256(details) "Le cocu assistant la compa est:800-2000
Picasso, Pablo Lot: 256(details) "Le cocu assistant la compa est:800-2000
Pissarro, Camile Lot: 257(details) "Vach re au Bord de l'Eau" est: 750-1500
Poster, Movie Lot: 258(details) " Cat on a Hot Tin Rook" starr est:100-200
Poster, Movie Lot: 259(details) " Rain Tree County" starring E est:200-400
Poster, Movie Lot: 260(details) " Rain Tree County" starring E est:100-200
Posters, Movie Lot: 261(details) "Showboat" starring Kathryn G est:100-200
Posters, War_bond Lot: 262(details) 1944 "Official U.S. Treasury P est:100-100000