(Composition) From "Six Lithographs Drawn From Life"
lithograph in colors, printed from aluminum plates drawn on by the artist, printed on Arches paper, 1970, signed in pencil,
numbered 8/50 (total edition included a few trial proofs), plates defaced, with the publisher's blindstamp, As hand pulled by Jerry Raidiger for the publisher Landfall Press.
Condition: In very fine condition, the full sheet. Never framed.
Sheet: 30 1/8 x 22 inches (76.52 x 55.88 cm);
References: C.F. Albert-Knox Museum, No. P2000:1.16.1-6. With the publisher's blind stamp and edition annotation verso.
Framing: Sold unframed
Note: Andy Warhol once said of his former roommate Perstein "There's a real artist".
US $minpr 500
UK pound
Swiss Fr
500-800, ( )
Estimates do not include 25% buyer's premium (see Terms and Conditions). NR means no reserve (minimum bid $50 unless otherwise posted). Estimates in other currencies based on conversion rates of Euro: 0.99 , British Pound 0.84, Swiss Fr 0.99. All conversion values are approximate with
the final cost determined in dollars.