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super large
(Family Group) oil on canvas, with 4 in. strip on left made of hardboard, with gritty surface, appended to canvas, 1965, signed 'Jesus Leuus' annotated and dated "65",(lower right),
- Condition: Fine condition.
- Size: 23 1/2 by 29 1/2 in. ( 59 x 72)
- Framing: Sold framed
- Note: A very early experimental painting in oil before he switched to board and acrylics. The canvas marker on the back is seen with other Mexican works of the era.
| Estimates* |
US $minpr |
Euro |
UK pound |
Swiss Fr |
900-1800, ( ) |
891-1782 |
756-1512 |
891-1782 |
| *
Estimates do not include 25% buyer's premium (see Terms and Conditions). NR means no reserve (minimum bid $50 unless otherwise posted). Estimates in other currencies based on conversion rates of Euro: 0.99 , British Pound 0.84, Swiss Fr 0.99. All conversion values are approximate with
the final cost determined in dollars.
workcode: jl-1001h-91